How to Overcome Natural Hair Discrimination in the Workplace

For many black women, wearing natural hair in the workplace can be challenging. Natural hair can be perceived as less professional or unkempt. In addition, some workplaces may have explicit or implicit policies against natural hairstyles like afros, twists, locks, and braids. In this post, we discuss overcoming natural hair discrimination in the workplace and wearing your hair with confidence and pride.

Examples of Natural Hair Discrimination

Hair discrimination in the workplace can take many forms. Here are some hair discrimination examples:

  1. Policies that prohibit natural hairstyles: Some workplaces may have policies that explicitly or implicitly prohibit natural hairstyles like afros, braids, and twists. These policies can have a discriminatory effect on employees with natural hair.
  2. Negative comments or attitudes towards natural hair: Some co-workers or managers may express negative comments or attitudes towards natural hair, which can create a hostile work environment.
  3. Expectations to conform to Eurocentric beauty standards: Some workplaces may have implicit expectations that employees conform to Eurocentric beauty standards, which can pressure employees with natural hair to straighten or alter their hair to fit in.
  4. Unequal treatment based on hairstyle: Employees with natural hairstyles may be treated differently than those with straight hair, such as being denied promotions, opportunities, or benefits.
  5. The disparate impact of grooming policies: Some grooming policies, such as requirements to wear certain hairstyles or maintain a certain level of grooming, can disparately impact employees with natural hair.

These examples illustrate how hair discrimination can impact employees in the workplace and the importance of promoting acceptance and understanding of natural hair. Workplaces must create inclusive policies and environments that celebrate diversity and promote equity and inclusion for all employees.

Know Your Rights – Understanding Your Workplace Policies and Protections

It’s important to know your workplace policies and protections when it comes to natural hair. In 2019, California became the first state to pass the natural hair discrimination law, known as, the CROWN Act, which prohibits discrimination based on natural hairstyles like afros, braids, and locks. Other states and cities have followed suit, and some companies have also implemented policies to protect employees with natural hairstyles. Be sure to familiarize yourself with your workplace policies and protections and advocate for your rights if necessary.

Educate Your Co-Workers – Creating a Supportive Work Environment

Many people may not understand the cultural and personal significance of natural hairstyles and may have unconscious biases against them. You can help to create a supportive work environment by educating your co-workers about the beauty and importance of natural hair. Share your own experiences and perspectives, and encourage open dialogue and understanding.

Style Your Hair with Confidence – Tips for Styling and Maintaining Your Natural Hair

Styling and maintaining natural hair can be challenging. However, with the right tools and techniques, you can wear your hair with confidence and pride. Experiment with different styles and products to find the best for your hair type and texture. Be sure to take care of your hair by regularly washing, conditioning, moisturizing and avoiding styles that put too much tension on your hair.

Find a Support System – Connecting with Other Natural Hair Wearers

Finding a supportive community of other natural hair wearers can be a great way to overcome stigma and feel more confident in the workplace. Look for natural hair meetups, groups, or online forums, and connect with others who share your experiences and challenges. A support system can help you feel more empowered and confident in wearing your natural hair.

What Now After Overcoming Natural Hair Stigma in the Workplace?

Overcoming natural hair discrimination or stigma in the workplace can be a challenge. But with the right tools and mindset, you can wear your hair with pride and confidence. Knowing your workplace policies and protections, educating your co-workers, styling your hair with confidence, and finding a supportive community can break down barriers and create a more inclusive and accepting workplace.

Overcoming Natural Hair Discrimination and Stigma From Family and Friends

Overcoming hair discrimination in the workplace is one thing. But overcoming natural hair stigma and prejudice from family and friends or other Black women with straightened hair can be another matter altogether. Here are some steps you can take to help change the attitudes of those you know who might snigger at your natural hair journey and promote acceptance instead.

  1. Educate them about the cultural and personal significance of natural hair: Many people may not understand the cultural and personal significance of natural hair and may have unconscious biases against it. By educating your friends and family about the history and beauty of natural hair, you can help them to see it in a new light.
  2. Share your own experiences and perspective: By sharing your own experiences and views with your friends and family, you can help to break down stereotypes and prejudices. Talk about why natural hair is important to you and how it makes you feel. Encourage open dialogue and understanding.
  3. Show them examples of beautiful natural hairstyles: Many beautiful and creative natural hairstyles can be just as stylish and glamorous as European-style weaves. Show your friends and family examples of natural hairstyles you love, and help them see natural hair’s beauty.
  4. Be confident in your own hair: The most important thing you can do is be confident in your own natural hair. Wear it with pride and show your friends and family that you love and accept yourself just as you are. Your confidence and self-love can be contagious and may help change their attitudes.
  5. Seek support from the natural hair community: Finding a supportive community of other natural hair wearers can be a great way to feel more confident and empowered in your natural hair journey. Look for natural hair meetups, groups, or online forums, and connect with others who share your experiences and challenges.

By taking these steps, you can help to overcome natural discrimination and stigma and prejudice from friends and family and promote acceptance and understanding. It may take time and patience, but change is possible with persistence and a positive attitude.

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